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2607, 2019
What is the Average Life Expectancy of Your Appliances?

What is the Average Life Expectancy of Your Appliances?

We purchase appliances for the long-run. That is to say that when we buy a fridge, oven, stove, dishwasher, washer, or dryer, we expect it to last longer than one year – most homeowners hope they can get a solid ten years out of their appliances.

And why shouldn’t the average homeowner expect their appliances to last a long time? We’ve come so far with technology and engineering. You can’t blame people for assuming that their appliances are built to last.

But wouldn’t it just be nice and convenient to have a clear idea of how long each of your appliances will last? Knowing the life expectancy of our appliances will take the guesswork out of the equation and allow us to prepare for any contingency.

Beyond that, if we know the average life expectancy of an appliance, then we can make an educated guess as to how long we can extend that life expectancy with regular maintenance and appliance repairs.

Fortunately, Consumer Reports shared an extensive report that breaks down the average life expectancy of household appliances. For the sake of this article, we will only be reviewing the life expectancy of fridges, ovens, stoves, dishwashers, washers, and dryers since these are the appliances that we work with.

Appliance Life Expectancy

Without further ado, let’s get into the meat and potatoes of this article. Here is what Consumer Reports found to be the average life expectancy of your fridge, oven, stove, dishwasher, washer, and dryer:

  • Fridge – 13 years (Though they found that compact fridges will last 9 years)
  • Stove – 13 years if it is electric and 15 years if it is gas
  • Oven – 13 years if it is electric and 15 years if it is gas
  • Dishwasher – 9 years
  • Washer – 10 years
  • Dryer – 13 years for electric and gas

There is a lot that can be gleaned from this report. The primary takeaway is that if you move into a home with all new appliances, you can expect to use them for about a decade – and if you take good care of your appliances, you can use them for more than ten years.

The Need For Reliable Appliance Repair

Just because this consumer report says your dryer should last for 13 years, that doesn’t mean you can just sit back never think about the performance of your dryer. Whether or not we like it, problems will occur in appliances from time to time.

Furthermore, a recent Consumer Reports survey (different from the report about appliance life expectancy) shows that newer appliances tend to break down more often. This is due to the new technological features built into appliances.

It’s important to note that this doesn’t mean that the technology in your appliance will decrease its average life expectancy. It does, however, mean regular maintenance checks and appliance repairs will be beneficial to you. An issue with a circuit board or sensor isn’t a major cause for alarm. It just means that you need to call a professional appliance repair company.

No matter what issue you are experiencing with your appliances, you can trust the technicians at Express Repair to solve the problem. We can help you maintain the life expectancy of your appliances. In many cases, we can even help extend your appliance’s life expectancy beyond the national average. Contact us today if you are in need of same-day appliance repairs in Toronto and the GTA. You can also read our blog on maintenance tips to extend the lifespan of appliances to learn more.

Express Appliance Repair